Trump losing his base...
(too old to reply)
2020-04-25 05:57:27 UTC
Trump will lose a good portion of his base support due to his encouragement
of violations of our Constitutional rights. Very stupid of him and he is
being scammed by all the alarmist so-called health experts. Shows a lack of
good judgement and ignorance on his part. The Dems will use this against
him,-it's the only thing they have.
Johann Beretta
2020-04-29 05:47:40 UTC
Trump will lose a good portion of his base support due to his encouragement
of violations of our Constitutional rights. Very stupid of him and he is
being scammed by all the alarmist so-called health experts. Shows a lack of
good judgement and ignorance on his part. The Dems will use this against
him,-it's the only thing they have.
Yeah.. That's why the Justice Department announced, today, that any
states that exceed their constitutional authority, during the COVID-19
crisis, will be prosecuted.


And you're nuts if you think he's gonna lose his base. All my rights
are being violated my my sack-of-shit Democratic Governor. Trump hasn't
done anything to me, besides cut me a check for $1200 (and yes, I'm well
aware that is made up money that's going to be stacked onto the Federal
debt. I didn't ask for it, it simply appeared in my account. No I'm not
giving it back.)
2020-04-29 23:24:38 UTC
Post by Johann Beretta
Trump will lose a good portion of his base support due to his
encouragement of violations of our Constitutional rights. Very stupid
of him and he is being scammed by all the alarmist so-called health
experts. Shows a lack of good judgement and ignorance on his part.
The Dems will use this against him,-it's the only thing they have.
Yeah.. That's why the Justice Department announced, today, that any
states that exceed their constitutional authority, during the COVID-19
crisis, will be prosecuted.
And you're nuts if you think he's gonna lose his base. All my rights
are being violated my my sack-of-shit Democratic Governor. Trump
hasn't done anything to me, besides cut me a check for $1200 (and yes,
I'm well aware that is made up money that's going to be stacked onto
the Federal debt. I didn't ask for it, it simply appeared in my
account. No I'm not giving it back.)
You don't get it do u? He gave permission to all those facist governors
to do what they did by his "THE SKY IS FALLING" MISTAKEN acceptance from
medical "advisors" that the CV was not just another version of the FLU.
The FLU that occurs just about every year with similar results. Trump has
shown his is totally ignorant about medicine by his ultraviolet in the
body remarks. If this serious lack of judgement occurs over the FLU for
which in the past we did NOTHING, then how is he going to handle a
nuclear crisis. Dump Trump, but ONLY if someone who is not senile and
crooked and good can be found, which is doubtful. Trumps polls are
already taken a big hit.
Johann Beretta
2020-05-05 03:43:47 UTC
You don't get it do u? He gave permission to all those facist governors
to do what they did by his "THE SKY IS FALLING" MISTAKEN acceptance from
medical "advisors" that the CV was not just another version of the FLU.
The FLU that occurs just about every year with similar results. Trump has
shown his is totally ignorant about medicine by his ultraviolet in the
body remarks. If this serious lack of judgement occurs over the FLU for
which in the past we did NOTHING, then how is he going to handle a
nuclear crisis. Dump Trump, but ONLY if someone who is not senile and
crooked and good can be found, which is doubtful. Trumps polls are
already taken a big hit.
You don't get it do you? The President of the United States has ZERO
constitutional authority to interfere in the internal workings of the
various States.

The STATES created the Federal Government and gave it limited powers
(powers which have sadly expanded, over the last 230 years, far beyond
the framer's intent)

Trumps blessing of the lock-downs was a hollow gesture. He had no
authority to prevent it and he had no authority to implement it.

You under the impression we have a King or something?

I'd ask you to read the 10th amendment very closely.. All powers not
DIRECTLY GIVEN to the Feds (or PROHIBITED to the States) are reserved to

If you can find anything in that document that says the States can't
have a lock-down, then we can have a discussion. I've read the whole
damn thing and the Feds were not DIRECTLY GIVEN the power to tell people
to stay home.
2020-05-06 04:24:15 UTC
Post by Johann Beretta
You don't get it do u? He gave permission to all those facist
governors to do what they did by his "THE SKY IS FALLING" MISTAKEN
acceptance from medical "advisors" that the CV was not just another
version of the FLU. The FLU that occurs just about every year with
similar results. Trump has shown his is totally ignorant about
medicine by his ultraviolet in the body remarks. If this serious lack
of judgement occurs over the FLU for which in the past we did
NOTHING, then how is he going to handle a nuclear crisis. Dump Trump,
but ONLY if someone who is not senile and crooked and good can be
found, which is doubtful. Trumps polls are already taken a big hit.
You don't get it do you? The President of the United States has ZERO
constitutional authority to interfere in the internal workings of the
various States.
The STATES created the Federal Government and gave it limited powers
(powers which have sadly expanded, over the last 230 years, far beyond
the framer's intent)
Trumps blessing of the lock-downs was a hollow gesture. He had no
authority to prevent it and he had no authority to implement it.
You under the impression we have a King or something?
I'd ask you to read the 10th amendment very closely.. All powers not
DIRECTLY GIVEN to the Feds (or PROHIBITED to the States) are reserved
to the STATES and PEOPLE.
If you can find anything in that document that says the States can't
have a lock-down, then we can have a discussion. I've read the whole
damn thing and the Feds were not DIRECTLY GIVEN the power to tell
people to stay home.
I get it but you don't. It was Trump's whole attitude and acceptance of
the bullshit restrictions over the bullshit flu that set the tone for
what the govs did. Every heard of the bully pulpit?

Further the Constitution guarantees Citizens the right to travel; free
movement. It also guarantees the right to assembly, the right to keep
and bare arms (which some governors used the bullshit pandemic as an
excuse to try to take that constitutional guarantee away) and the right
to the free exercise of religion contrary to the bullshit restrictions by
bullshit moron governors who swore to a Constitution they never read.

Trump took an oath to defend and protect the Constitution and the Bill
of Rights. HE RENEGED on that oath. Dump Trump if the Dems are smart
enough to come up with a VIABLE candidate who is not a whore like most
of the rest in their Party.
Johann Beretta
2020-05-06 10:19:50 UTC
I get it but you don't. It was Trump's whole attitude and acceptance of
the bullshit restrictions over the bullshit flu that set the tone for
what the govs did. Every heard of the bully pulpit?
Further the Constitution guarantees Citizens the right to travel; free
movement. It also guarantees the right to assembly, the right to keep
and bare arms (which some governors used the bullshit pandemic as an
excuse to try to take that constitutional guarantee away) and the right
to the free exercise of religion contrary to the bullshit restrictions by
bullshit moron governors who swore to a Constitution they never read.
I agree. I'm simply pointing out that Trump's authority is limited (at
least in theory if not in fact). As I said, every right of mine that
has been violated has been at the hands of the cock-gobbler Democrat
running my state.

Judges also take an oath to defend the Constitution. They fucking sold
us out a long time ago. Specifically when they expanded the Interstate
Commerce clause to allow the Feds to go any goddamn thing they want if
they can even remotely point to what they are doing and say "it has
market repercussions". Yeah.. Everything has fucking market effects, I
don't think the Framers were unaware of that. I'm also fairly certain
that if they wanted the Feds dipping their big goddamn nose into
everything, they would have authorized that in the document.
Trump took an oath to defend and protect the Constitution and the Bill
of Rights. HE RENEGED on that oath. Dump Trump if the Dems are smart
enough to come up with a VIABLE candidate who is not a whore like most
of the rest in their Party.
Perhaps, but I'm plenty worried when folks seem to want us to have a
King to counter the petty Barons who are running the individual states.
The antidote to authority is not more authority. I dunno.. maybe it is
just about time we pick up some rifles and start shooting politicians..
I don't suppose it would take too many before those self-serving cunts
got the picture.

20 years.... Jefferson figured we'd probably have to kill some
politicians every 20 years to keep them in line.. Well, at 240+ years,
we are way overdue..
2020-05-11 06:17:54 UTC
Post by Johann Beretta
I get it but you don't. It was Trump's whole attitude and acceptance of
the bullshit restrictions over the bullshit flu that set the tone for
what the govs did. Every heard of the bully pulpit?
Further the Constitution guarantees Citizens the right to travel; free
movement. It also guarantees the right to assembly, the right to keep
and bare arms (which some governors used the bullshit pandemic as an
excuse to try to take that constitutional guarantee away) and the right
to the free exercise of religion contrary to the bullshit restrictions
bullshit moron governors who swore to a Constitution they never read.
I agree. I'm simply pointing out that Trump's authority is limited (at
least in theory if not in fact). As I said, every right of mine that
has been violated has been at the hands of the cock-gobbler Democrat
running my state.
Judges also take an oath to defend the Constitution. They fucking sold
us out a long time ago. Specifically when they expanded the Interstate
Commerce clause to allow the Feds to go any goddamn thing they want if
they can even remotely point to what they are doing and say "it has
market repercussions". Yeah.. Everything has fucking market effects, I
don't think the Framers were unaware of that. I'm also fairly certain
that if they wanted the Feds dipping their big goddamn nose into
everything, they would have authorized that in the document.
Trump took an oath to defend and protect the Constitution and the Bill
of Rights. HE RENEGED on that oath. Dump Trump if the Dems are smart
enough to come up with a VIABLE candidate who is not a whore like most
of the rest in their Party.
Perhaps, but I'm plenty worried when folks seem to want us to have a
King to counter the petty Barons who are running the individual states.
The antidote to authority is not more authority. I dunno.. maybe it is
just about time we pick up some rifles and start shooting politicians..
I don't suppose it would take too many before those self-serving cunts
got the picture.
20 years.... Jefferson figured we'd probably have to kill some
politicians every 20 years to keep them in line.. Well, at 240+ years,
we are way overdue..
Attachment decoded: pEpkey.asc
So you don't think Trump bears any responsibility in basically ruining
the Country? What did he do except agree with the so-called experts about
the dangers of the flu and made it seem like it was the plague? Basically
he got suckered cuz he did not have the knowledge to accurately ascertain
the real threat. What has he done since the governors started in with
their commie/nazi like unconstitutional civil rights take aways? That's
my take on it.
