Post by Graham JI do not understand your suggestion.
The desktop has a static IP address (but it could have been assigned by the
gateway for all that it matters). Coming out of the desktop is Ethernet.
Understood. It should also therefore have a compatible subnet mask, and
a default gateway. These will enable it to communicate with the
internet router. Conventionally it will have its DNS pointing at the
internet router which will forward requests to the ISP's DNS server.
Aternatively it may explicitly use an independent DNS server such as from Google.
Please tell us these parameters.
C:\Windows\system32> netsh interface ipv4 show config "eth0"
Configuration for interface "eth0"
DHCP enabled: No
IP Address:
Subnet Prefix: (mask
Default Gateway:
Gateway Metric: 1
InterfaceMetric: 35
Statically Configured DNS Servers:
Register with which suffix: Primary only
Statically Configured WINS Servers: None
Post by Graham JYou may have a good reason for configuring the desktop PC with a static
IP. Please tell us why.
I configured the PC years ago, so I don't remember even how I configured it.
It doesn't matter to me what its IP address is as long as it works.
I had probably configured it following a guide such as this one I found now.
How To Set Up A Repeater Bridge in DD-WRT
Post by Graham JI know nothing of DD-WRT but in the context of its "Repeater Bridge"
mode it should not have a DHCP server. Neither should it have a DNS
server. As you say it passes all such traffic through as if it were a
piece of wire.
Notice in the above they "Disable DNSMasq" (which I also have disabled).
And notice they also "DHCP Server: Disable" (which I have disabled).
I'm sure I followed a guide on the DD-WRT website which disabled both of them.
So you are correct. The Repeater Bridge has both of those things disabled.
But I think my mistake is I don't need the router set up as a repeater
bridge to connect it to the phone hotspot. I just need it as a router.
And the PC can plug into that router just as if it was any other router.
I'm slowly coming to the realization that my fault is I was trying to
keep the repeater bridge - but I don't need the repeater bridge in the
emergency temporary situation of the Internet going out on me.
Post by Graham JBut in order for you to communicate with the DD-WRT it needs an IP
address/mask. This must be consistent with the IP address of the
desktop PC, and it must not be the same as the IP address of anything
else in your system. It does not need anything for DNS or default
gateway unless it needs to get information from the internet.
We need to understand how the DD-WRT gets its IP address.
Did you put it there? Is it automatically established by the "Repeater Bridge"
mode? Does it get it by DHCP from the router on the other end of the
wireless link?
The IP address of the DD-WRT device is assigned in the setup.
It's static.
It's how all the setup instructions say to do it.
Post by Graham JThe router is bridged wirelessly to an access point which itself is wired
via a switch into the main router which itself connects to the modem.
The strange thing is this has been working for years, so I don't think
there is anything wrong with the DD-WRT setup.
OK so far. What is the IP address of the main router?
See above netsh interface ipv4 show config "eth0" which shows the main
router to be at
Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops
1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms
Trace complete.
Surprisingly, the PC doesn't even see the DD-WRT nor the AP as it only
sees the gateway in a single hop (interestingly so).
Post by Graham JBut I do wonder what
"gateway" the phone uses since the gateway of wouldn't exist on
the phone's network when used as an access point mobile hotspot.
You can find this out.
Connect a laptop to the phone hotspot via WiFi. To avoid confusion first
power off everything except the laptop and phone. Use the command line
IPCONFIG /ALL to discover the network address, and specifically the
default gateway address allocated to the laptop. The laptop should be
configured to "Obtain an IP address automatically" and "Obtain DNS
server address automatically". These parameters are generated by the
hotspot in the phone.
I expect you to discover that the network address is different from the
one established by the internet router.
Yup. I'm sure it is. And that's part of the root of the problem I had.
Post by Graham JNow disconnect the laptop from the phone, by disabling its wireless
Power up the desktop PC and the DD-WRT only. Establish whether you can
still communicate with the DD-WRT. If it expects to get its IP address
from the internet router then this will fail, and you won't be able to
communicate with it. If its IP address is static (regardless of how
this was achieved) then communication should be possible.
At this stage you should be able to change the wireless parameters to
suit those required by the phone. The DD-WRT should then show it is
connected to the phone, possibly via a status page of some sort.
Now connect the laptop BY WIRE to the DD-WRT. What should happen is
that the laptop sends its DHCP request and receives replies from the
phone hotspot. The network parameters should look much the same as when
the laptop was connected directly to the phone hotspot earlier in this test.
You should then be able to browse the internet.
Now for the desktop PC. Connect this by wire to the DD-WRT. The PC is
statically configured to communicate with the DD-WRT, but the I expect
network address generated by the phone hotspot to be different. So
change the desktop PC to "Obtain an IP address automatically" and
"Obtain DNS server address automatically". It will now no longer
communicate with the management page in the DD-WRT but it should
communicate THROUGH the DD-WRT to the phone hotspot, and should be able
to browse the internet.
I slowly came to the realization that I was thinking about it all wrong.
I should have thought about it as an entirely different network.
1. The Internet comes to the phone over the air
2. The phone acts as a mobile hotspot
3. The router should connect to that mobile hotspot
4. And the PC just plugs into the switch at the back of the router
I didn't realize it, but the "bridge" and "repeater" have nothing
to do with the problem set when I'm using the phone as a hotspot
to replicate the missing Internet when the Internet goes out.
I see there are guides for connecting a phone as a hotspot to a router,
so I will follow one of those as what I want to do is a common need.
How to Connect a Router to a Mobile Hotspot