2024-04-20 14:02:38 UTC
Supposedly the new iPhones have the new UWB built in, but I haven't
found it anywhere in the Setup. Anybody has?
"Because UWB's locating abilities are so precise, beacons provide anfound it anywhere in the Setup. Anybody has?
easy way to track and stalk people."
Why do you think it's only Apple devices that can't turn their UWB off?
Apple has a vested interest in making profits off of consumers who
unknowingly transmit their location to every beacon in the store.
Therefore, Apple made it impossible to use the iPhone without USB.
Airplane mode is NOT a specific toggle for UWB - it's a general toggle for
all radios, and when in Airplane mode, the iPhone ceases to be a phone.
Yet Android provides a specific toggle for UWB (on or off) at will.
This on/off control of UWB is mainly for power & privacy reasons.
"Ultra-Wideband ("UWB") is a short-range wireless technology somewhat
like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, but with superior locating abilities, enabling the
highly accurate identification of an object's position in three-dimensional
UWB capabilities are now standard on many newer-model smartphones,
allowing users to track UWB-enabled beacons from their smartphones and
allowing vendors to leverage inbuilt UWB capabilities to create massive
sensor networks using unwitting users' mobile devices.
This report focuses on privacy and anti-trust concerns surrounding UWB
beacons, the tip of the iceberg of planned UWB applications.
Because UWB's locating abilities are so precise, beacons provide an easy
way to track and stalk people.
Beacons pass detailed device location data through neighboring devices'
networks, introducing the twin risks of malicious hacking and commercial
exploitation by vendors.
Apple and Amazon have acted to shut competitors out of the UWB beacon
space, demonstrating a clear linkage between the story of these beacons and
the larger story of Big Tech anti-trust concerns."
Apple does not want you to be able to have the privacy that Android has
because Apple is making profits off of you by selling your location.